The Pemberton Valley Trails Association (PVTA) said this year’s cross-country ski season was completely saved by a kind gesture from a local business.
The association previously brought groomed tracks first to Beer Farmers and more recently classic and skate tracks to @bigskygolf. Recently, it became clear a previously donated snowmobile used for cross-country ski grooming would not survive the 2024 season. The organization turned to the local community, who did not disappoint. Some offered temporary technical solutions for the sled, or generously donated money towards a new vehicle. Others volunteered to groom the trails themselves to kick-start the season. Thankfully, @backcountrymotorsports performed a “Christmas miracle” and saved the season. The team offered PVTA access to a Polaris 4-stroke corporate demo machine for the 2024 winter season entirely free of charge. PTVA has been blessed by kind acts of kindness from the community since its cross-country ski program first started in 2020. Executive director, Allison Gilchrist, said its first donated sled started a series of heart-warming gestures. “As a small non-profit charity, we rely on the support of the community to maintain the trails,” said Gilchrist. “We are so grateful to the team at Backcountry Motorsports for helping to make sure our cross-country ski program can go ahead as planned this year—once the conditions are right. Currently, Big Sky Golf Club generously offers the community the use of its facilities and donates staff time for grooming to provide an exceptional experience for cross-country skiers” Backcountry Motorsports’ owner, Andrew McBride, said they were eager to keep the fun going this season. “We try and support the local community whenever the opportunity presents itself and it's within our capability,” said McBride. “The Pemberton Valley Trails Association is an awesome local asset for the community and our support of them runs deeper than just the XC Ski track.” PTVA is eternally grateful to local companies for keeping the program going, but a more permanent solution is needed. “We are glad that together with Big Sky Golf Course and Backcountry Motorsports we can offer the community access to one of their favourite cross-country ski tracks this winter,” said Gilchrist. But the organization is still in need of a permanent, tow-capable, working sled that partners can use with PVTA’s grooming equipment next season and beyond. The association is eager to make sure this the trails are open for many years to come. “We know that many people in Pemberton value these winter trails—our next step is to find a permanent tow-capable solution, whether that be through a grant, donation or a formal partnership, so we can offer this program for years to come,” said Gillchrist. “We hope the community will join us in finding one.” Businesses or community members who may be interested are encouraged to get in touch with PVTA at [email protected]. PVTA also welcomes donations of any size from cross-country skiers and community members who would like to support the program. Read more at
@spelkumtncommunityforest will be undertaking an important fuel-thinning project near One Mile Lake. PVTA is assisting SCF to ensure selected trail-side trees are retained and that all user groups are kept up to date on trail access. Some trails will be closed for public safety starting on January 3rd 2024. More information from SCF is below:
SCF, through funding from FESBC, will be carrying out fuel thinning work near OneMile Lake. The project encompasses high hazard forest land and is part of ongoing work to reduce risk to nearby residences, infrastructure and downtown Pemberton. We recognize this is a high use trail area and Líl'wat Spirited Ground. Extensive engagement has been done with Líl'wat Nation and trails organizations. One of the key planning parameters was to reduce impacts to trails and sensitive ecosystems while still achieving risk reduction objectives. Líl'wat Forestry Crews will be conducting the work - manual pruning, piling and burning. Some trails will be closed for public safety. Please obey all signs and instructions from the crew. Work and trail closure information will be updated as regularly as possible. There have been some changes this fall to the PVTA Board as we’ve welcomed new faces and new roles while saying farewell to others.
Crystal Conroy, our former Director of Communications has stepped down after two years of volunteer service, helping to renew the PVTA brand and setting up PVTA comms for success. Crystal championed Indigenous learning programs for the board, improved board processes, ensured all user groups were represented, attended many trail days, and much more. We’ve also said goodbye to Madison Perry, our former Community Engagement Director, who helped lead the 2023 PVTA survey and supported our work in the community. Please join us in saying THANK YOU to Crystal and Madison! 👏 We’re thrilled to share that Julia Poetschke, former Membership Director, has agreed to help lead the PVTA as our new Vice President. Julia has been central to the growth of our commercial and corporate membership drives, helped lead our cross-country ski program, and will now be at the helm of the organization. We’ve also welcomed Kailey Morin as our new Director of Communications. Kailey brings with her over a decade of experience working in nonprofit communications and fundraising. She is excited to get to know the trails and the community even better. All of us here at the PVTA have been out enjoying time on the trails. We are once again thankful for our volunteers and donors who help to create opportunity for our organization to do great things!
read on: Click here LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Pemberton Valley Trails Association are grateful to live, work and recreate on the unceded lands of the Líl̓wat Nation. We are committed to deepening our understanding and respect for the Líl̓wat Nation and the land
In Attendance: Crystal Conroy, Kyle Leitch, Luke Dejager, Darren Nicoll, Mark Beaton, Andrew Benson, Aimee Fishman, Allie Gilchrist, Jay Molloy, Paul Horan, Eric Ayotte, Jack Lowrie, Kailey Morin Call to Order: Kyle: I call to order the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the PVTA. Time: 9:47 Please ensure that you have signed in. Approve the 2023 AGM Agenda: Kyle: Could I have a motion to approve the 2023 AGM Agenda as distributed? MotionBy #1 Aimee Fishman #2: Luke De Jager Approve the Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting: Kyle: Could I have a motion to approve the Minutes of the 2022 AGM (by someone who attended last year). Motion By #1 Luke De Jager #2 Aimee Fishman Kyle President Report:
Trail Maintenance:
TrailForks Usage Stats (Jan-Sept):
Work In Progress:
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far. All of us here at the PVTA have been out enjoying time on the trails in numerous ways. We are once again thankful for our volunteers and donors who help to create opportunity for our organization to do great things!
read on: click here Public invited to participate in trail dedication and renaming ceremony July 15, 2023
Pemberton, BC – With funding from the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD), the Pemberton area mountain bike trail formerly known as Gravitron has been redeveloped and renamed, in honour of former SLRD staff member, Graham Haywood. Haywood passed away in 2020. He was the SLRD’s Senior Project Coordinator, and had also served as Interim Director of Legislative and Corporate Services. Prior to joining the SLRD, Haywood was employed as a Land Manager with Líl̓wat Nation. An avid mountain biker, he also served as a Board member and volunteer of Pemberton Valley Trails Association (PVTA). In consultation with his family, the SLRD has partnered with Lil’wat Nation and the PVTA to recognize Haywood. The SLRD’s Electoral Area Directors (EAD) Committee provided funding of up to $12,000 to the PVTA for the Gravitron trail project in Haywood’s memory. The PVTA used the funding to revitalize the double-black diamond, experts-only trail, repairing drainage and trail surfaces while retaining the exhilarating experience for riders. The redeveloped trail will be maintained and operated by the PVTA. Líl̓wat Nation has honoured Haywood’s memory by renaming the trail Kacwepcwépa (Ka-kwep-kwep-a), the Ucwalmicwts phrase for “to come back to memory”. The public is invited to attend a trail dedication and renaming ceremony on July 15, 2023 (1:00 p.m.) at the trail head (adjacent to the transmission tower, approximately 9.5 kilometres up the Mackenzie Basin Forest Service Road) with representatives from Líl̓wat Nation, the PVTA and the SLRD in attendance. read on: Click here Job SummaryThe PVTA is a registered not-for-profit charity organization run primarily by volunteers with the mission to build, improve and maintain a sustainable and diverse trail infrastructure for both residents and visitors to the Pemberton Valley. The organization is led by a passionate Board that represents a wide range of trail users.
We are seeking an energetic Trail Crew Member. The Trail Crew Member will report directly to the Trails Manager. The main focus will be to execute trail maintenance throughout the Pemberton trail network based on specific objectives or projects laid out by the Trail Manager and guided by the Director of Trails or other appointed board/ staff member. Term/Length of Commitment: Approximately 8 hours/week and runs from June1 to November 1, 2023. Time commitment may vary from week to week depending on availability, however will not exceed an average of 8 hours per week. The Trail Crew will work with the Trails Manager to coordinate the best time to work an average 8 hours per week. The Trail Crew member is able to conduct the work at times appropriate for the individual and Trails Manager to coordinate together. The position may be renewed in March of 2024, contingent on a Board review and funding. Compensation: up to $28/hour depending on experience. Lots of amazing trail work has taken place over the past couple of months including:
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